Handling of terrorism and human rights
By Tommy Apriando
The shooting of terrorism suspects by the Special Detachment (Densus) lately a lot of the spotlight. Their deadly shooting is still suspected perpetrators of terrorism is a violation of Human Rights. Some doubt the police statement stating that terrorist networks have a scenario to kidnap and kill a number of leaders including representatives of the country while warning August 17th, 2010 and stated that the targets the Head of State. People are also leery about the statement of President Yudhoyono that the terrorists practicing to shoot himself or make Cikeas as a point target.
Some circles deplored the action of suspected terrorists by firing squad Densus 88. As an elite unit that controls the high skill, Densus 88 should be enough to paralyze any action, instead of deadly. More over, to the suspects who have surrendered or powerless.
In addition it is useful to attempt a comprehensive disclosure of the terrorist network, also in line with the de-radicalization programs developed anti-terror desk (now the Agency for prevention of Terrorism) three ministries.
Action shot dead also showed the weakness of police intelligence information possessed, especially Densus 88. Because after the suspect shot dead, police just look busy finding and proving the identity of persons who have become corpses. Even in the recent terrorist ambush in Bekasi and Sukoharjo, the police finally decided to bury two bodies in the status as "unidentified bodies". This caused the police did not know the identity of the suspect and also none of the family who recognizes the victim as a member of his family. As a result, allegations emerged that the police had re-using ways of extra judicial killings, as was once used security forces to kill thugs in 1982-1985.
Government of Indonesia, since the government of President Megawati, it has taken various steps revamping intelligence work in relation to the eradication of terrorism. akin has been changed to BIN. TNI (formerly ABRI) is no longer involved in efforts to combat terrorism. The war against terrorism all by police under a special unit Densus 88. , visible changes are not accompanied by fundamental changes in the intelligence agencies should be prepared as part of the national security system and accountable, democratic and respecting human rights.
On October 18rd, 2002 Indonesian Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (PERPPU) Decree No. 1 Year 2002 on Combating Criminal Acts of Terrorism. Middle of the many challenges of this PERPPU, on 4th April 2003 President Megawati would strengthen PERPPU became Act No. 15 of 2003. This law was criticized various circles because it still included the threat of the death penalty for perpetrators of terrorism. Also the police authority as set forth in Article 25 Paragraph (2), "For the purposes of investigation and prosecution, the investigator is authorized to make arrests of suspects than 6 (six)months. "In addition, the investigators also have, to arrest people without having people arrested for a lawyer while undergoing inspection. It is stated in Article 28, "can arrested against any person who allegedly committed the crime of terrorism based on evidence sufficient to start no later than 7 x 24 hours."
Law No. 15 of 2003 also threaten individual rights through action to telephone tapping, surveillance and so on which bank book solely based on intelligence reports. This is a novelty in criminal procedure in which the intelligence report as one means of proof, as already stipulated in Law no. 8 of 1981 on the draft Criminal Procedure Act (Procedure Code).
In addition, Law no. 15 in 2003 to threaten the independence of the judicial system, the involvement of non-judicial such as intelligence apparatus and military intelligence. This could cripple public scrutiny of legal institutions with the involvement of non-judicial nature of intelligence legal process. This law also pre-trial mechanism comes from the Anglo-Saxon system but did not adopt the judicial system, it can negate the rights of defendants to file an objection (habeas corpus). Moreover, this mechanism is the possibility the individual's right to use the pretrial procedures as stipulated in the Criminal Code as the sole mechanism of habeas corpus as a means of control.
Act No. 15 of 2003 also provides an opportunity misuse of state power in particular giving ample opportunity to intelligence, good intelligence from the BIN and the military for other purposes that are intended to prevent or collect information relating to terrorism. In addition, Act 15 of 2003 protects the perpetrators of abuses of power committed by the bank or financial institution, either an act of leakage of bank secrecy, fraud, corruption and so on as an act of administrative error only.
There is also concern that the independence of the judiciary against the interference and involvement of agencies such as State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the Indonesian National Army (TNI). Especially with the Article 26 paragraph (1) of Law 15/2003 in which investigators can use any Reports of intelligence as evidence of the beginning. In fact, in principle, intelligence reports can be used as evidence because the criminal justice system applies tranparation principle and accountability. This principle will not be met by the intelligence institutions, including intelligence reports. intelligence in the investigation clearly contrary to law. Investigation and intelligence are two different things. Investigation report is for a lawful purpose.
Intelligence reports that could not be evidence of the beginning because I did not get it in accordance with the draft Criminal Procedure Code (Criminal Code). Intelligence reports did not find evidence, suspects, witnesses or if the scene (TKP).
Law 15/2003 cripple public scrutiny of legal institutions. The involvement of intelligence in the legal process becomes weakness of this Act. Pre-trial mechanism adopted from the Anglo-Saxon system, without adopting the judicial system can actually negate the rights to lodge an objection (habeas corpus). This mechanism is the possibility of individual rights to use the Pre-trial procedure as a means of control. The mechanism of pre-trial admissibility in the process is the mechanism whereby a single judge to determine validity of evidence beginning.
Several articles in the Law 15/2003 also contrary to the Penal Code. Article 25 of Law15/2003 states for the purposes of investigation and prosecution, the investigator is authorized to make arrests of suspects than 6 (six) months. And, Article 28 mentions the investigator to conduct the arrest of any person who allegedly committed the crime of terrorism based on evidence sufficient to start no later than 7 x 24 hours. Meanwhile, the Criminal Procedure Code provides a maximum detention time of only 1 x 24 hours.
The period of detention is also a for torture. The case of Abu Khaida in Surabaya is an example. At that time, states did not resist. Abu Khaida released. But, it turns out other institutions to capture and abuse him.
In addition, Article 8 of Law 15/2003 arbitrarily set 18 acts as criminal acts of terrorism. Determination of these acts regardless of the impact element as a typical crime of terror. At the point (q) of Article 8 of Law 15/2003 states that one of the acts of terrorism is "in the aircraft perform acts that may endanger the safety of aircraft in flight". This article can ensnare a person who turned on the radio or HP on the plane. It threatens civil liberties.
Now Densus 88 is the eradication of terrorism. They have done a good job. However, 88 of resistance should focus on terrorism. However, the fact Detachment 88arrests against acts that are not related to terrorism. Densus 88 arrested a teacher in the field who are suspected leakage school exam. Follow this by Densus 88 as a criminal act of terrorism. Densus 88 arrested also a defender of human rights in Papua on the grounds SMS spreading terror. Finally, Detachment arrest people suspected of committing acts of terrorism in Freeport. Detachment 88 was also arrested Ariana and her daughter.
Qualification unit Densus 88 is generally in the destruction of buildings, transportation, hostage. Capacity is not reached on the model of suicide bombings. Any unit, whether from military or police, no one has been able to detect or executing these suicide bombers. This becomes a problem because of how law and human rights can be enforced if the perpetrator was killed along with the bomb.
Acts of terrorism is an extra-ordinary crime. Handling is not quite the ordinary criminal procedure. However, retained legal certainty. Therefore, the necessary effort to avoid any discrepancy between the response and the development of the fastest growing mode of terrorism. Dangers of handling extra-ordinary is the occurrence of overdose should therefore be no restrictions. The role of intelligence should be included within the framework of law enforcement because it is basically just for the intelligence forces of war.
When European countries using or reading issues of terrorism, the framework used is the human rights framework in parallel with the handling of other frameworks. Indonesian legal framework of overlapping and emerged as the solution of actual problems. For example, more likely reactive than the predatory political motive. The three pillars of governance, law and human rights framework must work in an integrated framework. The hope in the future is the involvement of the TNI to assist police in combating terrorism is okay with a valid reason and through political decisions the country but the performance required to respect and uphold human rights.
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